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Ian Denley and Markus Bolton speak at event for health tech entrepreneurs

Ian Denley and Markus Bolton, co-founders of Shearwater Healthcare Investments, are heading a London seminar designed to help high tech entrepreneurs in the health sector. 

Markus is the keynote speaker at TechUK’s Healthtech Startup School in London on 3 March, and Ian, former chief executive of System C, is chairing the event.   The seminar will cover the practicalities of raising different types of start-up finance, growing the business to plan and successfully exiting. 

Ian and Markus are founders of Shearwater Healthcare Investments, a company specifically established to provide hands-on expertise and growth capital to companies that aim to use technology and IT to transform the delivery of health and social care. 

As part of the Shearwater Healthcare Investments portfolio, they have invested directly in Graphnet, a leading supplier of electronic health records, and have raised £2.16m initial funding to set up Shearwater Systems, developer of mobile clinical applications for the health and social care sectors. 

Prior to that, Markus and Ian were the duo behind System C Healthcare, a venture capital backed company, which they floated on AIM for £47.7m in 2005 and then sold to McKesson Corporation for £87m, six years later. 

TechUK established the Healthtech Startup School to help early-stage businesses based on health informatics to grow faster and stronger. It evolved from a formula first piloted by BCS and the Bristol Enterprise Network in 2010.

For further information, click here http://www.techuk.org/events/workshop/item/737-healthtech-startup-school-raising-finance#sthash.XvmiKamV.dpuf

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