Our track record

The founding directors of Shearwater are often credited with changing the UK healthcare IT market

  • Created the UK’s most successful service delivery company
  • Created a game-changing electronic patient record product
  • First company to develop integrated health and social care systems
  • One of the few healthcare companies to feature in Sunday Times Top 100 Best Companies to Work For

Experienced at raising and deploying capital

  • We have successfully raised many millions of pounds at various stages of the company’s development providing growth capital for the company and exit funds for early stage investors. We have raised private investor funds, venture capital and private equity, as well as attracting investment from blue-chip institutions
  • First-hand experience of mergers and acquisitions, IPOs and trade sales

Shearwater people have over 20 years' experience running successful healthcare and social care IT companies

  • Founded and grew System C Healthcare from start-up to a substantial public company with 400 employees before exiting via a trade sale
  • Extensive experience in the health sector
  • Hands-on experience of designing, building and deploying transformational technologies in the health service
  • Hard-won experience in adding value through acquisitions and mergers, while retaining company culture and staff


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